Personal Care Product Industry Campaign
for Honeywell Solstice® Enhance® & Solstice® Propellant
for Honeywell Solstice® Enhance® & Solstice® Propellant
The Ask: Generate high-quality inquiries from Personal Care brand owners, formulators/contract fillers interested in trialing Solstice Enhance and/or Solstice Propellant in their formulations for hair care, skin care, or antiperspirant products. Secondarily position Solstice Enhance and Solstice Propellant as breakthrough, Earth-friendly* nonflammable ingredients that give formulators/brands flexibility to develop exciting and novel products.
Target: Personal care/cosmetics product formulators, Unilever Hair, P&G, Monet, L 'Oreal, and other larger brands.
Vision: Honeywell Solstice is the ingredient of innovation.
Mission: To demonstrate that with Honeywell's Solstice products formulators and brands have more freedom to offer new and compelling products to an industry that rarely offers anything truly differentiating.
My part: I helped interpret the creative brief and campaign goals to our agency of record and guided the creative development so we stayed within the brand guidelines for voice and tone, and look and feel. Once the basic look and feel of the campaign was developed, it was brought in-house and my team and I built out the assets required to launch the integrated campaign.
Catalin Sturza - Sr. Copywriter
Dan Taylor - Sr. Marcom
Mihaela Costache - Graphic Design
Catalin Sturza - Sr. Copywriter
Dan Taylor - Sr. Marcom
Mihaela Costache - Graphic Design